Kids Camp

A multiracial group of three serious young children doing an arts and crafts project, painting little wooden bird houses for Earth Day.  It is a bright, sunny day and they are sitting at a wooden table reaching with their paintbrushes.  An African American boy, 5 years old, is sitting in the middle between two Hispanic girls.

Grandkids Can't Hardly Wait for Kids Camp

Every July, Stonecrest hosts Kids Camp as a way to enrich the lives of residents' visiting grandchildren. For one week, our "grands" get a chance to participate in a variety of activities where they can learn, grow, make new friends, and of course, have fun!

Representatives from many of Stonecrest's clubs and activity groups take turns hosting one- or two-hour sessions of crafts, games, sports, and even a movie night.

In addition, special guests are often brought in to teach, coach, and entertain the kiddos.

The week ends with an all-day carnival featuring clowns, face painting, and lots of great food.

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